dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Wounds heal

Have you ever had that feeling when you’re deep in the water and you’re running out of air? You just try to swim to the surface as quick as possible just to be able to have a deep breath, and have the certainty you can continue breathing.

You know, it might not look this way, but I’ve been through quite a bit in my life, I had rough times, and times where I wasn’t even sure I’d pull through, but along the way I’ve learned a thing or two.
I’ve learned to carry on with life, how hard it may get, how lonely you may be, how painful it is.
I’ve learned to heal wounds.
People always say that wound heal, which is true, but scars don’t. And even if they did, I wouldn’t let them. In times of unhappiness scars remind us about the things we’ve been through, about how painful they were.  we take a look at our scars and see a glimpse of times where we had to fight to regain our happiness, we had to fight to be able to smile again.
Most people would say scars take us back to where we’d never want to go again. But actually those scars are the proof that you’ve pulled through, you fought the storm and found sunshine. You where able to be happy again.

Wounds heal, scars are just the rewards we get for our persistence in finding happiness, and succeeding in another chapter of our journey we call life. 

woensdag 22 februari 2012

How to be happy

When I think back when I was a kid, I remember so many beautiful things. I can still feel the excitement when the new Harry Potter book came out, or when I got a new Lego box to play with. Or when my grandpa bought me the very first Pokémon episode on cassette, just because he loved me.  I was surrounded by so many people who loved me, who really cared. Unlike now where you have to be really good at guessing if someone is being dead honest or just playing a little game just to get an act of kindness out of you. I can still recall the kids in school being mean, but at least they where honest. If we didn’t like someone back then we wouldn’t be friendly to them in their face. So where along the way did we lose that sight of honesty? Where along the way did we become so dishonest with others and even with ourselves? It’s understandable to lie to someone to keep that particular person from being hurt, because that’s a sign we care for them. It’s not always easy to find words which are truthful, but it keeps you from being someone you’re not..

We all want to be surrounded by people who truly care about you, but for that to happen we need to be that for other people first, and experience how you can truly make someone happy. 

donderdag 16 februari 2012

the good old fashioned way

If we walk, dress, sing or dance
the good old fashioned way
and forget about recent events
will it be good enough to comfort our dismay
when hands reach out
no more
and hearts are cold as steel
do we feel as it has never occurred
or do we dwell in foolish disbelief
to be left alone and perish
and never forget an unbearable grief.

donderdag 9 februari 2012


Vandaag op deze,
koude februari dag
denk ik aan jou,
die haren en die lach.
k'stuur je een kaartje
met hoop op antwoord

Vandaag op deze
koude februari dag,
denk ik aan
de eerste keer ik je zag
k'geef je mijn hart
met hoop op antwoord.

vrijdag 3 februari 2012

I have a dream

I had a dream once,
A dream that gave me shivers down my spine
A dream that has never lived as vivid as it did with me.

See, I got that dream from a person I’ve never even met.
The person who doesn’t even want to see that I exist.
Although I never want to see him, I still owe him a big thanks.
‘Cause without him, I don’t know If I’d ever believed in dreams.
I don’t know if I could do things that at this moment I deeply believe I can.
Because that’s what dreaming is for.

Dreaming is to see what you really want in life, to feel the excitement that you get when you accomplish it.
Dreaming also gives you the strength to pursuit those goals. 

But somewhere along the way, I lost my dream. I wasn’t even sure anymore I knew what I wanted in life.
I was just going through the motion like every emotionless person walking this very earth.
Sure I could still remember it, but I couldn’t feel the excitement anymore, the salty tears that would travel towards my mouth missing it’s home in my eye by even thinking about it.

Then I remembered.
I remembered it all, sleepless nights, floods of tears, asking the only person in my life if it was my fault, and why I didn’t got accepted.
Missing the very person that hasn’t even done anything  to deserved being missed.

See, some people want to leave the past behind, and that’s fine.
You can leave it behind and forget all about it.
But one day or another, you’ll realize…
…The past you have, YOUR past, in one way or another, eventually will determine who you are.
Who you’ll become.
Although you can point it in the direction you want, you’ll collide with your past nevertheless and when that happens, you’ll realize.
You’ll realize you forgot all about your dreams you had as a child, you never looked back and forgot.

So think back what you really want, think and picture it in your mind.
Now go out there and get it.
And so will I. 

donderdag 2 februari 2012


Neem het leven en draai het om,
zoek wat je verlangt
en niet wat je krijgen kan.
Neem het leven en draai het om,
kijk door andere ogen
en geniet er van

Neem het leven en draai het om
draai net zolang tot het past.
Neem je leven in de hand
laat het niet vallen,
hou het stevig vast.
Neem je leven en maak er iets van,
knutsel creatief.
Ik weet dat je het kan