maandag 31 december 2012

Ons Hart

In de moedige leegte van ons hart
verslinden we duistere monsters
aanbidden we engelen ver weg.

In het diepe kamertje van ons hart
verbergen we geheimen
roepen we zacht.

In het kleinste deeltje van ons hart
schuilt ons geweten altijd juist
maar niet altijd op kracht.

maandag 24 december 2012

Amanda Todd

Her life story devastated me.
She made a bad decision and had to pay for it for the rest of her short life.
Reaching out on the internet as her last hope she didn't found relief, but got pushed down even more.

This 'lesson' as we like to call it afterwards has been teached to us a 1000 times.
Everytime it sticks with us for a couple of hours, or even minutes but then we rapidly forget about it as something more temporary interesting comes along.
What about the kids in the video of rise against 'Make it stop'? did we forget about them?
All she wanted was someone to be there for her to talk to. Someone to give her a hug and tell her it's gonna be alright.
Nobody did.
And why?
I guess each and every one of us probably found it more amusing to go with everyone else then risk our own reputation.
Because that's so goddamn valuable to us isn't it?

Think about this before you laugh at people or before you call them names...
Before you do those things and afterwards think to yourselves you shouldn't have done them.

Think before you act.

vrijdag 23 november 2012

Quote Wonder

"Wonder how, wonder why,
dream about it, think and sigh.
Wonder about woman, children, men.
Wonder all you can, but never wonder when." 
- Robin Peys

donderdag 1 november 2012

Reflections of Hope

Reflections of hope looking the wrong way
Expectations of so much more than I can say
Standing here once again
With buttons in my hand
courage in my blood
Of a neverchanging brand
While gazing at taillights of another lifestory
Laughing the night away with no absolute hurry
Singing and chanting under broken streetlights
chasing after life like every thursday night
When eyes shine with intentions of their own
And a beating train racing in my chest
When reflections of hope looked the wrong way
I stood still and wished you all the best

woensdag 31 oktober 2012

Big City Life

Een wereld waar alle mogelijkheden om tot een meelevende samenleving te komen subtiel afgenomen worden, is die wereld gedoemd om emotieloos door zijn eeuwigdurende leven te gaan? Of vinden de organen van die wereld toch een weg om het hart een belangrijk doel te geven zodat alles en iedereen niet wegrot in hun eigen bestaan? U zegt dat vredelievendheid zichzelf heeft begraven toen egoïsme als een storm over ons kwam zetten. Ik zeg u dat dit slechts een fabeltje is. Ik proef elke dag de vruchten van een meelevende samenleving die elkaar telkens weer op de been helpt, en u zou dit ook kunnen proeven als u niet blind zou zijn voor wat er gebeurt onder de oppervlakte van een maatschappij. U verwacht regenbogen die zich wortelen in u tuin onder de grote eikenboom waar een gelukkig koppeltje nachtegaals wachten om met hun gezang de wereld te trotseren en zo ieders hun hart te laten versmelten met elkaar zodra de zon zijn plaats opgeeft om de lucht met sterren te laten beschilderen. En u beweerd dat ik teveel sprookjes gevoederd heb gekregen zodat mijn gedachten beneveld zijn onder een of andere spreuk van Merlijn? De zoektocht naar perfectie is de grootste beneveling die een menselijke geest kan proeven. Verwachtingen die torenhoog opstapelen om zo alleen maar in elkaar te zakken zoals New York dit ooit eens heel uitdrukkelijk heeft voorgedaan is de reden waarom geluk zich alleen maar voordoet onder grote hoeveelheden puin en stof. Sinds wanneer zijn enkele woorden niet meer voldoende om een glimlach te toveren? Sinds wanneer kun je met een simpel handgebaar iemand zijn dag niet meer een goede start gunnen? Als u eens durft u handen voor u ogen te verwijderen en eens goed te kijken naar alles wat er rondom u gebeurt kan ik u verzekeren dat de regenboog aanwezig zal zijn, dat de nachtegaals zingen en dat het leven niet zo rot en verderft is zoals u beweert. Een hart dat pompt bezwijkt niet, noch zal het ooit de organen in de steek laten die het hele organisme laat functioneren, dromen, en leven. 

maandag 15 oktober 2012


In silent awakenings I hold my breath
I lay still and listen to what sounds like death
Wondering why a deep sleep makes me dream
when consciousness is stedfast by my side.
I cannot remember a touch nor a kiss
I cannot tell where I got lost in the tide
while currents take me to shores my eyes have never seen
and take me to dreams where I have never been
slowly fading what once was mine
my heart loses it's former trust
when hate and love intertwine.

maandag 1 oktober 2012


Mysteries the skies behold
vivid as they could be.
All those stories once untold
have now been told to me.
I write empty pages
with words still unspoken.
A new chapter behind the old
will rebuild what once was broken.
My story will take a turn
with new people taking the wheel.
Different places to take new steps
where I can be finally real.
I can start on my own
and be that boy once pushed back.
All those mysteries the skies behold
will make a man out of this wreck.

zondag 9 september 2012

Beliefs of the unbelievers

Talent sinks deeper with every step you take.
There are some decisions and choices you have to make.
Be like this forever or find a better way.
Choose a different path or choose to live day by day.
Do not give up dreams and hopes
for the likes of someone else.
Pursuit your dreams and be the one who tells...
...tells a different story about courage and heart.
A story about a boy once falling apart.
Who rose back up after every dive.
Now tells his story about how he changed his life.

maandag 27 augustus 2012


On the back of an eagle I fly the distance.
On the saddle of a horse I ride along.
Not often I lose my trail.
No path I take is wrong.
But I wonder why I make this journey
with the roots of just a look.
Your eyes may blink and your eyes may shine
your eyes may be connected to mine.
So under a starry sky I make the travel
with cold moonlight on my skin.
What was once my destination
Is not an end but a begin.

dinsdag 7 augustus 2012


"Our greatest moments are not those wich are behind us, constantly rewinding in our minds, they are the onces still ahead of us, the onces yet to come and take us by suprise."

zondag 15 juli 2012


Why hide behind beauty's mask
being silent when you speak.
Are you truthful with your heart
or trying to be unique.
Mistress, my mind can't follow
the path yours is taking.
Mistress, you have no idea
how bad my heart is aching.
It dreams and sighs
so desperate in despair
all those sleepless nights
are more than I can bare.
So accept my invitation
and be truthful when you speak.
When I get lost in your eyes
remember it is your heart that I seek.

donderdag 12 juli 2012


"Good looks, fancy dresses and tons of make up only leaves the eye shallow, the mind deceived and the heart broken."

woensdag 11 juli 2012

Shattered but not broken

Words thrown out there
sometimes hurt like knives.
They're stabbing and cutting
all through our lives.
But can we hold together
what's already falling apart.
Can we defy this storm
and avoid a broken heart.
Can we make a completeness
out of shattered parts.
Can we make a family
out of single hearts?

vrijdag 22 juni 2012


We all have defining moments in our lives. Moments which make all the hard work and dedication pay off. Moments that made the blood, sweat and tears worthwhile, moments we as students, athletes, writers, husbands, wives, parents, anybody.. will never forget.
We feel extraordinary and successful. We feel like the world is on our feet and for just one moment we have the very own feeling of accomplishment. The feeling some strive years or decades just to have those 3 seconds of euphoria. 3 seconds where nothing else matters. 3 seconds who may determent the rest of your life from then on.

Some have the capability to rise above themselves and despite pressure, failure or statistics they seem to be able to lead. To show other people that whatever you want, whatever you dream of, it’s possible. They show that if you are willing to work hard enough, to really give 100%,  that you can do anything. To not give up hope, and to keep going forward every single day. To become more than yourself, to do more than you’ve ever imagined.

We all have the capability to rise above ourselves,
Dreams come true every single day, lives are changed every single day, people become happy every day.

We all have defining moments in our lives,
why not you? 

zondag 27 mei 2012


Time has this unique ability of changing things.
Things we used to love or hate,
people once close to us driven off to a distance unknown or driven off the complete picture.
People we used to trust and share secrets with, now seen as strangers by our eyes.
People who've captured our first impression and made it into something beautiful have been exposed by time and shown who they really are.

We also change by time.
Some grow stronger, some grow weaker.
Some get lost and some find their way.
But the main thing is, we all change.
We all get torn down and build ourselves up.
The only difference is how long it takes,
and how long it will last.

vrijdag 25 mei 2012

The old and dusty definition

A word which’s definition used to be so clear to me.
Love used to mean to say the most beautiful things to each other without saying just one word of a lie, to know every little detail in a blink of an eye.
It used to mean to be interested in that one person and trying to find out everything there is to know about him or her,  to keep their heart and vow that it will forever remain unbroken.
All of this was love to me.
But now I have no clue what it means.
Is it changing yourself just to make that one person happy?
is it rambling on about yourself, just to prove  how good you are?
I don’t know. But I know one thing.
The feeling you’re supposed to get, when being in love, just rises above everything else and makes that what’s good even better.
Love is unchangeable and unforgettable, it is kind but in the same way cruel.
It can make you cry and smile at the same time, and makes your heart beat like if you where to run a marathon in less time than a commercial break.
Love doesn’t hurt when it hits you. Love makes sure that there is someone there to catch you when you fall for it.
Love makes happiness possible if there’s someone to love you back.
Not just someone.
The one. 

zondag 22 april 2012

Biggest desire

Bound by indifferences I've loved but briefly,
In a pointless attempt of finding what's been desired the most.
A mixture of tears and smiles where effectivly wasted during this inconvenient proces wich carried along a large dosis of blame and guilt, where I tend to suffocate under from time to time.
It has not been my wish nor my goal to have such a spiraling thread entangled with this course of life.
I can only look back and learn from what I firmly believed was right, and attempt to adjust this believe to more accurate conditions while, regretfully bound by indifferences, still attemt to find whats been desired the most.

dinsdag 27 maart 2012

Hero of war

I will write my name
in black and gold
When this song is done
I will forget everything
and be a hero
When this war is won
I will hide the truth
lock it up abroad
never will they know
the way that we fought
I will wave this flag
As white as snow
and bury the one
shed with blood
Never will they know
the way that we fought

donderdag 22 maart 2012


Once upon a time
I was wondering in a store
gazing at the shelves
and looking even more.
Sinking in thoughts
finding use for it all,
I could hear a little voice
begging to make a call.
It's skin was black
with a heart of gold
I found a friend
I would forever behold.
I'd tell you stories
you won't forget.
My dear notebook,
I'm glad we've met

woensdag 21 maart 2012

A writer's thought.

There are numberless different words out there in this ever so big world, 26 letters making countless combinations. Leaving each word with a meaning, a feeling, a thought. An individual word can say numberless things, vaguely describing a message or expressing an emotion.

Imagine what you can express or describe when putting those individual words together in a secret combination. How you can make tears roll out of eyes or shape lips into smiles, or even make a heart beat faster. It is utterly astonishing how many possibilities there are. It’s absolute freedom choosing from an everlasting collection to put something together time after time. I like to see it as a puzzle, you can take any piece you want, put it together and eventually it’ll show you a picture by your creation. It is an immemorial art to create something unique every time. To create something everlasting  and being able to put your name under it, those individual letters you know oh so well.
The path we writers take is limitless. If we can imagine it, we can put it into words. We’ll compose with combined letters to give our thoughts a melody, to give our imagination a soul.

donderdag 15 maart 2012

Het oog van de storm

In het oog van de storm
verwoestend op zijn pad
waar wij zijn doorgegaan.
Tranen van de hemel
vallen op de grond
voor levens die niet meer bestaan.
We zijn misschien weg,
maar vergeet ons niet!
In het oog van de storm
zijn wij niet vergaan.

Ter ere van de slachtoffers, vrienden en familie van het busdrama in Zwitserland.

woensdag 14 maart 2012


"Frustrations are like clouds, they hang there above our heads all day long and on a bad day they might even bring a storm along"

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Wounds heal

Have you ever had that feeling when you’re deep in the water and you’re running out of air? You just try to swim to the surface as quick as possible just to be able to have a deep breath, and have the certainty you can continue breathing.

You know, it might not look this way, but I’ve been through quite a bit in my life, I had rough times, and times where I wasn’t even sure I’d pull through, but along the way I’ve learned a thing or two.
I’ve learned to carry on with life, how hard it may get, how lonely you may be, how painful it is.
I’ve learned to heal wounds.
People always say that wound heal, which is true, but scars don’t. And even if they did, I wouldn’t let them. In times of unhappiness scars remind us about the things we’ve been through, about how painful they were.  we take a look at our scars and see a glimpse of times where we had to fight to regain our happiness, we had to fight to be able to smile again.
Most people would say scars take us back to where we’d never want to go again. But actually those scars are the proof that you’ve pulled through, you fought the storm and found sunshine. You where able to be happy again.

Wounds heal, scars are just the rewards we get for our persistence in finding happiness, and succeeding in another chapter of our journey we call life. 

woensdag 22 februari 2012

How to be happy

When I think back when I was a kid, I remember so many beautiful things. I can still feel the excitement when the new Harry Potter book came out, or when I got a new Lego box to play with. Or when my grandpa bought me the very first Pokémon episode on cassette, just because he loved me.  I was surrounded by so many people who loved me, who really cared. Unlike now where you have to be really good at guessing if someone is being dead honest or just playing a little game just to get an act of kindness out of you. I can still recall the kids in school being mean, but at least they where honest. If we didn’t like someone back then we wouldn’t be friendly to them in their face. So where along the way did we lose that sight of honesty? Where along the way did we become so dishonest with others and even with ourselves? It’s understandable to lie to someone to keep that particular person from being hurt, because that’s a sign we care for them. It’s not always easy to find words which are truthful, but it keeps you from being someone you’re not..

We all want to be surrounded by people who truly care about you, but for that to happen we need to be that for other people first, and experience how you can truly make someone happy. 

donderdag 16 februari 2012

the good old fashioned way

If we walk, dress, sing or dance
the good old fashioned way
and forget about recent events
will it be good enough to comfort our dismay
when hands reach out
no more
and hearts are cold as steel
do we feel as it has never occurred
or do we dwell in foolish disbelief
to be left alone and perish
and never forget an unbearable grief.

donderdag 9 februari 2012


Vandaag op deze,
koude februari dag
denk ik aan jou,
die haren en die lach.
k'stuur je een kaartje
met hoop op antwoord

Vandaag op deze
koude februari dag,
denk ik aan
de eerste keer ik je zag
k'geef je mijn hart
met hoop op antwoord.

vrijdag 3 februari 2012

I have a dream

I had a dream once,
A dream that gave me shivers down my spine
A dream that has never lived as vivid as it did with me.

See, I got that dream from a person I’ve never even met.
The person who doesn’t even want to see that I exist.
Although I never want to see him, I still owe him a big thanks.
‘Cause without him, I don’t know If I’d ever believed in dreams.
I don’t know if I could do things that at this moment I deeply believe I can.
Because that’s what dreaming is for.

Dreaming is to see what you really want in life, to feel the excitement that you get when you accomplish it.
Dreaming also gives you the strength to pursuit those goals. 

But somewhere along the way, I lost my dream. I wasn’t even sure anymore I knew what I wanted in life.
I was just going through the motion like every emotionless person walking this very earth.
Sure I could still remember it, but I couldn’t feel the excitement anymore, the salty tears that would travel towards my mouth missing it’s home in my eye by even thinking about it.

Then I remembered.
I remembered it all, sleepless nights, floods of tears, asking the only person in my life if it was my fault, and why I didn’t got accepted.
Missing the very person that hasn’t even done anything  to deserved being missed.

See, some people want to leave the past behind, and that’s fine.
You can leave it behind and forget all about it.
But one day or another, you’ll realize…
…The past you have, YOUR past, in one way or another, eventually will determine who you are.
Who you’ll become.
Although you can point it in the direction you want, you’ll collide with your past nevertheless and when that happens, you’ll realize.
You’ll realize you forgot all about your dreams you had as a child, you never looked back and forgot.

So think back what you really want, think and picture it in your mind.
Now go out there and get it.
And so will I. 

donderdag 2 februari 2012


Neem het leven en draai het om,
zoek wat je verlangt
en niet wat je krijgen kan.
Neem het leven en draai het om,
kijk door andere ogen
en geniet er van

Neem het leven en draai het om
draai net zolang tot het past.
Neem je leven in de hand
laat het niet vallen,
hou het stevig vast.
Neem je leven en maak er iets van,
knutsel creatief.
Ik weet dat je het kan

maandag 30 januari 2012


"Failing doesn't always mean to lose, because you've found the courage to try." - Robin Peys

dinsdag 3 januari 2012

Heb je ooit?

Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
iets te bereiken?
Om goed te doen voor mensen in nood.
Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
hulp toe te reiken
voor een onbekende bondgenoot?
Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
de stroom in eenieder van ons?
Een veelgestelde vraag
maar zelden een respons.
Heb je ooit durven antwoorden? 

zondag 1 januari 2012

New years

So it's finally here, new year.
We leave 2011 behind us and start 2012 with a fresh start!
I'm a little late with making resolutions but I'll make them anyways because I don't want to wait another year doing nothing and waiting for another fresh start.
First and foremost I want to start 2012 with a positive attitude, I want to work, and achieve my deepest desires.
It must be a year to remember, every single day, have no regrets and give 100% when doing something.
Lets do something to make this world a better place?
When we all chip in, it can be pretty beautiful, but like a lot of things, you can't do it alone.
Lets do something crazy this year?
Something we would normally never do, experience something unique.
Lets help a total stranger?
Variated between big and small things, help can be very appreciated and can make a person happy, wich is what we aim for!
So hold on tight, 2012 is gonna be a bumpy ride.
But the finish will be worth it!
Lets make it happen!


"We must have cried to know how to laugh, 
we must have given to receive, 
we must have fallen to know how to fly."
-Robin Peys


"prejudgements in galore when the majority stands strong,
exhile the different who will soon be gone."
 - Robin Peys

Search and Forget

How can we forget how it’s used to be?
It’s not ok, but it’s all I see
We used to run through shadows,
untill the day would end.
I can’t believe what happened
in the time we spent
We’re all like rough shaped diamonds
trying to find their glow.
Wondering about the future
and why it comes this slow.
But why do we chase time
when time goes on?
Searching what can’t be found
before it’s gone 


"Misery is the best inspiration" - Robin Peys


"A perfect life is a life protected by a wall of friends, familly and true love, it gives you the feeling that nothing can go wrong, and nothing will happen to you and the people who suround you. But every wall get’s cracks, and something will happen. How older the wall gets, how more unstable it will be. Bricks will fall down and dissapear out of the wall, and finally, when time has come, the wall will fall down and your life will be unprotected. When you get that exact feeling that you’re unprotected, you have to look around closely
cause there always will be one brick protecting you"
-Robin Peys

Hard Life

Some things get easy, some things get hard
some things tear your life apart
I can’t give up, I’m not that strong
I can’t give in, I can’t go on!

A dream I had about the past
I kept on fighting, it didn’t last
What am I supposed to do?
I can’t keep this up, I can’t go through
Please wake me up before I don’t
Stand up! Because I won’t
I won’t give up, right or wrong
I can’t give in, I will go on!  


"A smile means happiness, a thing everyone in this world can use" - Robin Peys


‎”Do not give away your future,for it is and it has been yours 
all along. Do not forget the past, although it’s irrelevance,
it’s been the guide who brought you to the present 
and it’ll be the drive to get to the future." - Robin Peys


"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." 
- E.E. Cummings 


"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it’s yours." - Ayn Rand


Have you ever sat down somewhere, at school or at work, just looking at people passing by and wondering: “how would their life be?”
I have a lot, wondering how their home is like, what they do when they come home, their behavior in general actually.
But mostly, how big their problems are.
Everyone has problems, that’s for sure, but think about this: you’re walking down the street and this girl passes by. You look at her and think “wow she’s cute” (or maybe the exact opposite) but what you don’t know is what she’s planning to do, she might had a huge fight with her boyfriend and now trying to get away, or she might go looking for a wedding dress cause her fiancé has proposed to her last week.
What I’m trying to say is, don’t judge people on the way they look or what they do, you don’t know the reason why.
If you see a girl walking somewhere in sweatpants and a big sweater thinking “what is she wearing”.
It might be because she got thrown out of her apartment, or she’s just sick of the fights at home that she had to leave.
People judge to quickly, while sometimes we just have wonder why.
Think about others before you make up your mind.


"Everything is possible, you just have to find out how." - Robin Peys


"Lying about the truth won’t make it less true!" 
- Robin Peys


I’m sorry for some things that I shouldn’t have done
but it would be wrong to feel bad 
it would be wrong to run 
I’ve been saving emotions 
for along this road 
a great journey ahead 
to eventually explode 
but we live to be different 
than those who nod their heads 
and I’m sure at the end of this road 
I’ll have no worries 
I’ll have no regrets.


"To change doesn’t necessary means we regret the way we where before." - Robin Peys


"The future holds great things, and I shall live it by the fullest!" - Robin Peys


"There are no exceptions, everyone is unique" - Robin Peys

No Regrets!

Do you want to have the best life possible?
Having fun with what you do and even more fun with the result?
Why can’t you achieve those things? What is holding you back?
Let me try to say this in 2 simple words;
“No regrets”
This simply means that with whatever you do, you have to make sure that you have NO regrets. and if you choose to do something, make sure you give 100%, your absolute best! So you’ll have no regrets about the outcome.
For me this is a learning proces. but I’m sure it works, it has to work.
From now on, I’m going to have no regrets with what I do and I want you to join me on this trip.
So live your life with a lot of fun,
live your life with no regrets 
Good luck!


"The fact that something is impossible shouldn’t hold you back from doing it, but it should be a reason to try to prove that anything is possible." - Robin Peys


"What takes more courage, lauging at people doing something, or doing something you love, knowing other people will laugh?" - Robin Peys


"Be the way you want to be, not how others want you to be. or you’ll end up making everyone happy exept yourself" - Robin Peys


we all have one.
if it’s being a football star, a famous singer or actor or even a writer.
Everyone knows how your heartbeats raises when you think about moments who will possibilly will never come.
And why? Because we’re scared to work on them.
We’re scared to step up and say: “I’m here and i’m ready to go”.
The easy way is mostly the way we choose.
Who would like to get up at 6 am for a jog when they have to work?
Who would like to spend their free time living in some studio to get their voice right?
Who would want to give up everything they have to reach that dream?
I know who, it’s the people who you look up to!
The people who reached for succes and have it in their hands.
They did not get it for granted, they had to work for it, as hard as you are gonna have to work for it!
so do you have a dream?
something soo exited you can’t go to sleep at night?
Something what gets your heart beating soo fast you can feel it in your chest?
all you have to do it work for it.
If it where easy everyone would be doing it, that’s why we do it.
So go out there and make it happen!
Cause this is the only life we have to do so.

Make it count!  


"If you have brown hair or blonde, red or green
Eventually we all turn gray!"
-Robin Peys


"Some people are ignorant,
they think they’re superior but actually they’re insignificant,
wich actually makes them superior..
Superior of stupidity." - Robin Peys


"I don’t take accomplishments for granted, to me they are one more step closer to my goals, one more reason to keep going!" - Robin Peys

Believe Belief!

When all our hope has died,
and we’re on the end of our belief.
When you have given up
and chosen not to achieve.
When all the light has left
and there is only darkness we see.
When there is no answer when
we ask “do you believe in me?”
Then just open your eyes
and uncover your ears.
You’ll see people screaming
to help you conquer your fears.
Hope returns from the dead,
as defeat starts to grief.
So just remember this
and never give up your belief!