zondag 1 januari 2012

New years

So it's finally here, new year.
We leave 2011 behind us and start 2012 with a fresh start!
I'm a little late with making resolutions but I'll make them anyways because I don't want to wait another year doing nothing and waiting for another fresh start.
First and foremost I want to start 2012 with a positive attitude, I want to work, and achieve my deepest desires.
It must be a year to remember, every single day, have no regrets and give 100% when doing something.
Lets do something to make this world a better place?
When we all chip in, it can be pretty beautiful, but like a lot of things, you can't do it alone.
Lets do something crazy this year?
Something we would normally never do, experience something unique.
Lets help a total stranger?
Variated between big and small things, help can be very appreciated and can make a person happy, wich is what we aim for!
So hold on tight, 2012 is gonna be a bumpy ride.
But the finish will be worth it!
Lets make it happen!

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