maandag 30 januari 2012


"Failing doesn't always mean to lose, because you've found the courage to try." - Robin Peys

dinsdag 3 januari 2012

Heb je ooit?

Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
iets te bereiken?
Om goed te doen voor mensen in nood.
Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
hulp toe te reiken
voor een onbekende bondgenoot?
Heb je ooit de drang gevoeld
de stroom in eenieder van ons?
Een veelgestelde vraag
maar zelden een respons.
Heb je ooit durven antwoorden? 

zondag 1 januari 2012

New years

So it's finally here, new year.
We leave 2011 behind us and start 2012 with a fresh start!
I'm a little late with making resolutions but I'll make them anyways because I don't want to wait another year doing nothing and waiting for another fresh start.
First and foremost I want to start 2012 with a positive attitude, I want to work, and achieve my deepest desires.
It must be a year to remember, every single day, have no regrets and give 100% when doing something.
Lets do something to make this world a better place?
When we all chip in, it can be pretty beautiful, but like a lot of things, you can't do it alone.
Lets do something crazy this year?
Something we would normally never do, experience something unique.
Lets help a total stranger?
Variated between big and small things, help can be very appreciated and can make a person happy, wich is what we aim for!
So hold on tight, 2012 is gonna be a bumpy ride.
But the finish will be worth it!
Lets make it happen!


"We must have cried to know how to laugh, 
we must have given to receive, 
we must have fallen to know how to fly."
-Robin Peys


"prejudgements in galore when the majority stands strong,
exhile the different who will soon be gone."
 - Robin Peys

Search and Forget

How can we forget how it’s used to be?
It’s not ok, but it’s all I see
We used to run through shadows,
untill the day would end.
I can’t believe what happened
in the time we spent
We’re all like rough shaped diamonds
trying to find their glow.
Wondering about the future
and why it comes this slow.
But why do we chase time
when time goes on?
Searching what can’t be found
before it’s gone 


"Misery is the best inspiration" - Robin Peys


"A perfect life is a life protected by a wall of friends, familly and true love, it gives you the feeling that nothing can go wrong, and nothing will happen to you and the people who suround you. But every wall get’s cracks, and something will happen. How older the wall gets, how more unstable it will be. Bricks will fall down and dissapear out of the wall, and finally, when time has come, the wall will fall down and your life will be unprotected. When you get that exact feeling that you’re unprotected, you have to look around closely
cause there always will be one brick protecting you"
-Robin Peys

Hard Life

Some things get easy, some things get hard
some things tear your life apart
I can’t give up, I’m not that strong
I can’t give in, I can’t go on!

A dream I had about the past
I kept on fighting, it didn’t last
What am I supposed to do?
I can’t keep this up, I can’t go through
Please wake me up before I don’t
Stand up! Because I won’t
I won’t give up, right or wrong
I can’t give in, I will go on!  


"A smile means happiness, a thing everyone in this world can use" - Robin Peys


‎”Do not give away your future,for it is and it has been yours 
all along. Do not forget the past, although it’s irrelevance,
it’s been the guide who brought you to the present 
and it’ll be the drive to get to the future." - Robin Peys


"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." 
- E.E. Cummings 


"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it’s yours." - Ayn Rand


Have you ever sat down somewhere, at school or at work, just looking at people passing by and wondering: “how would their life be?”
I have a lot, wondering how their home is like, what they do when they come home, their behavior in general actually.
But mostly, how big their problems are.
Everyone has problems, that’s for sure, but think about this: you’re walking down the street and this girl passes by. You look at her and think “wow she’s cute” (or maybe the exact opposite) but what you don’t know is what she’s planning to do, she might had a huge fight with her boyfriend and now trying to get away, or she might go looking for a wedding dress cause her fiancé has proposed to her last week.
What I’m trying to say is, don’t judge people on the way they look or what they do, you don’t know the reason why.
If you see a girl walking somewhere in sweatpants and a big sweater thinking “what is she wearing”.
It might be because she got thrown out of her apartment, or she’s just sick of the fights at home that she had to leave.
People judge to quickly, while sometimes we just have wonder why.
Think about others before you make up your mind.


"Everything is possible, you just have to find out how." - Robin Peys


"Lying about the truth won’t make it less true!" 
- Robin Peys


I’m sorry for some things that I shouldn’t have done
but it would be wrong to feel bad 
it would be wrong to run 
I’ve been saving emotions 
for along this road 
a great journey ahead 
to eventually explode 
but we live to be different 
than those who nod their heads 
and I’m sure at the end of this road 
I’ll have no worries 
I’ll have no regrets.


"To change doesn’t necessary means we regret the way we where before." - Robin Peys


"The future holds great things, and I shall live it by the fullest!" - Robin Peys


"There are no exceptions, everyone is unique" - Robin Peys

No Regrets!

Do you want to have the best life possible?
Having fun with what you do and even more fun with the result?
Why can’t you achieve those things? What is holding you back?
Let me try to say this in 2 simple words;
“No regrets”
This simply means that with whatever you do, you have to make sure that you have NO regrets. and if you choose to do something, make sure you give 100%, your absolute best! So you’ll have no regrets about the outcome.
For me this is a learning proces. but I’m sure it works, it has to work.
From now on, I’m going to have no regrets with what I do and I want you to join me on this trip.
So live your life with a lot of fun,
live your life with no regrets 
Good luck!


"The fact that something is impossible shouldn’t hold you back from doing it, but it should be a reason to try to prove that anything is possible." - Robin Peys


"What takes more courage, lauging at people doing something, or doing something you love, knowing other people will laugh?" - Robin Peys


"Be the way you want to be, not how others want you to be. or you’ll end up making everyone happy exept yourself" - Robin Peys


we all have one.
if it’s being a football star, a famous singer or actor or even a writer.
Everyone knows how your heartbeats raises when you think about moments who will possibilly will never come.
And why? Because we’re scared to work on them.
We’re scared to step up and say: “I’m here and i’m ready to go”.
The easy way is mostly the way we choose.
Who would like to get up at 6 am for a jog when they have to work?
Who would like to spend their free time living in some studio to get their voice right?
Who would want to give up everything they have to reach that dream?
I know who, it’s the people who you look up to!
The people who reached for succes and have it in their hands.
They did not get it for granted, they had to work for it, as hard as you are gonna have to work for it!
so do you have a dream?
something soo exited you can’t go to sleep at night?
Something what gets your heart beating soo fast you can feel it in your chest?
all you have to do it work for it.
If it where easy everyone would be doing it, that’s why we do it.
So go out there and make it happen!
Cause this is the only life we have to do so.

Make it count!  


"If you have brown hair or blonde, red or green
Eventually we all turn gray!"
-Robin Peys


"Some people are ignorant,
they think they’re superior but actually they’re insignificant,
wich actually makes them superior..
Superior of stupidity." - Robin Peys


"I don’t take accomplishments for granted, to me they are one more step closer to my goals, one more reason to keep going!" - Robin Peys

Believe Belief!

When all our hope has died,
and we’re on the end of our belief.
When you have given up
and chosen not to achieve.
When all the light has left
and there is only darkness we see.
When there is no answer when
we ask “do you believe in me?”
Then just open your eyes
and uncover your ears.
You’ll see people screaming
to help you conquer your fears.
Hope returns from the dead,
as defeat starts to grief.
So just remember this
and never give up your belief!